For years I have had a huge interest in medicinal herbs, their purpose and the use of them in holistic medicine.
I’m always looking for ways to help me have a better quality of life. Personally, I do not want to live to an old age if I can’t be healthy and do the things I enjoy. I thought maybe there might be others out there like me.
I decided to create a place with as much information as possible. Hopefully providing enough data about any given herb or supplement and their benefits to satisfy visitors to my site.
I love to read articles about improving my health. I have tried a lot of different supplements. Some I have been happy with, others not so much.
Because a supplement does not work for one person, doesn’t mean it won’t work for another. I've learned our bodies are different. What works for me, may not work for you. I try to keep this in mind when trying something new.
Sometimes, it is simply a matter of adjustment. Instead of taking the supplement twice a day as recommended. Try it once a day, increase gradually. This might be all that is needed for it to work for you.
I feel it is important for each of us to take control of our own health. This doesn’t mean you should stop seeing your doctor. It means the more informed you are, the better you will be able to work with your doctor in keeping you and your loved ones healthy.
Hopefully you can find a doctor who is open to new ideas and is willing to work with you. My doctor works with me and is usually curious as to what new thing has caught my attention.
I always keep him undated on any changes in my supplemental diet. This is important because your pharmaceutical medicines can interact negatively with any supplement you decide to try.
If I hear about a new herbal product that I think I might be interested in, I get on my computer and check it out as much as possible. That way I can then determine if it is actually something I would be interested in trying.
A trip to the local health food store is another way I keep in touch with the latest information and what is new in the herbal/preventive medicine department.
The shelves in the health food store are full of so many different kinds of herbs and supplements I often find myself staying longer than I anticipated.
The people in the store are very familiar with their products. They can almost always answer any of my questions.
I’m not a medical professional, nor have I ever been in the medical business. I just know from personal experience that preventative medicine is the way for me to take care of my body.
The information on this site is general information available to anyone. All I have done is combine the information as a convenience for you, my visitor.
I have tried to make the articles interesting and informative, allowing each individual to reach their own conclusion.I hope you have enjoyed visiting my site.